75% of Lynn & Chelsea students don't
advance to college
La Vida Scholars is a free college prep program in Lynn & Chelsea, MA.
We help match students with the best colleges for their futures with minimal debt.
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Partnering with families, we equip low-income, high-achieving students with access to resources and opportunities to enter top colleges and graduate with minimal to no debt.

Scholars off to college
According to national data, 33% of all students in the US earn a college degree. However, only 9% of students from low-income families earn a degree.
College graduates
Above all, we tackle severe college under-matching in which well-qualified students, often from less affluent households, are not matched with competitive colleges.
Million in scholarships
We provide after school and college preparatory programs for families to match students with the right colleges for their futures.
% of alumni persisting
Once enrolled in college, our program continues to offer support and provide laptop computers, advising with the transition, as well as academic, financial, and career advice.

Since 2007
Our History
Our college prep program began in 2007 and today consists of 180+ Scholars current and their families. We serve primarily immigrant families in the city of Lynn & Chelsea, MA whose children attend local public high schools.
Services of the program include:
- Academic support
- Campus visits
- Monthly family meetings
- Matched college savings
- Individualized student advising and counseling
- Help in completion of scholarship and college applications.
Since 2007, the program has helped 406 students secure more than 23 million in grants, scholarships and awards.
Our Staff
Peter Barros
Executive Director

Judy Bowe
Director of Development

Channa Srey
Director of Programs

Angelica Martinez
Manager of College Access & Success
Liaison for Alumni Support

Jeanelle Arellano
College Access Coordinator
Liaison for Family Engagement

Sarah Elkondakly
College Access Coordinator

Erika Rodriguez
Operations Coordinator
Liaison for Student Recruitment

Kristen Matul
College Access Advisor
Massachusetts Promise Fellowship

Kathy Lebron
Curriculum Manager

Madelyn Kye
Communications Assistant

Nohely Vargas
Content Strategist

Diana Cuevas
Operations Assistant

Our Programs
Who we serve
LVS offers services that bridge the gap between families and the college process by providing access to their dreams of higher education. For the past decade, LVS has helped over 400 students with their post-secondary education processes. Our students graduate from our program, enter selective colleges and become the next leaders and thinkers. They are working at Google, at think tanks in Washington, D.C., and at nonprofits in the Boston area.
Our Programs
What we offer
Junior Year
The cornerstones of junior year include:
- Kaplan ACT preparatory classes
- Career Explorations course
- One-on-one advising
- College Prep curriculum
- Campus visits
- Community Service
- Summer test prep programs
Senior Year
The cornerstones of senior year include:
- College Prep curriculum
- Campus visits (late summer/early fall)
- Community service
- Weekly advising meetings with a La Vida staff mentor
- Minimum of 10 scholarship applications
- Minimum of 8 college applications
- FAFSA and CSS Profile
- College Life Workshops, which include sessions on money management, sexual assault, substance abuse, and mental health
- La Vida graduation
parents and Guardians
We believe that parents, guardians, and families play a critical role in the successes of our students.
Upon acceptance into the program, parents and guardians are required to sign a contract, just like students, that agrees to the following:
- Open a savings account through Metro Credit Union. Families save $300 per year and it is 100% matched at the end of each year.
- Attend monthly workshops hosted by our partner organization, Inversant.
- Attend one campus visit per year. This can be with La Vida or on their own with their student.
Our Programs
- La Vida hosts information sessions for students with qualifying GPAs at Lynn high schools. Students provide contact information if they are interested in learning more about our program. La Vida staff and students contact families of qualifying students and sign them up for an information session at the La Vida office.
- Information sessions are hosted at the La Vida office and applications are given to families. Applications are typically due at the end of the month.
- Applications are reviewed and all students and their families are interviewed by La Vida staff. A selection committee of La Vida staff, board members and alumni meet to decide on members of the incoming class.
- Students are notified of their admission status.
Our Impact

High school Scholars served per year in grades 10-12 across Lynn & Chelsea, MA
Families served that will attend monthly workshops, in English or Spanish
Alumni have graduated and obtained college degree
Scholars currently attend nationally or regionally ranked colleges